This race started at 6:45, forty-five minutes earlier than Rock the Parkway, meaning we were up at 4:00 to get out there on time. The weather, however, was much better as it was considerably warmer pre-race. Not uncomfortably warm - around 55 degrees instead of 30 degrees. I've heard from a friend that she preferred the temperatures at Rock the Parkway, but I much preferred the warmer temps at this race.
This race was much rougher than Rock the Parkway. I don't think I was 100 percent recovered from Rock the Parkway, which lead to me getting sore earlier. I know some people have no issue doing these kinds of races back-to-back, but my training hasn't been what it should be and I'm not in as good of shape as I should be to be doing this series.
I finished in 3:16:30, eight minutes slower than Rock the Parkway. As stated, I wasn't quite ready for this race, and the course was very hilly, much more so than Rock the Parkway.
I did well the first nine miles or so. Somewhere in the middle of the ninth mile, my right foot really began aching again, just like last week. This week the pain was far worse. I struggled through eleven and a half miles, but then had to throw in the towel and walk the last mile and a half. By the time we reached the finish, I was very glad to be done.
Overall, though, I actually enjoyed this race more than Rock the Parkway. It was much more scenic and there seemed to be more spectators than at Rock the Parkway. I simply found it to be a more enjoyable race. This race I would do again, whereas I could take or leave Rock the Parkway.
With this race down, we've got one more left to complete the Heartland 39.3 Challenge. The last race is on May 14th, so I've got time to rest up and get a little more training under my belt before then.
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