Monday, September 29, 2014

Cycling Workout 9/29/14

Went for an 8.88 mile ride tonight that took me from my house past the elementary school, Hodge Park and Shoal Creek Golf Course. Finished in 42:19 with an average speed of 12.6 MPH.

Overall I'm happy with this ride, but my goal is to always have an average speed of 13 MPH. This course, however, seemed to be more uphill than down. If that is really the case or not I don't actually know, but it sure seemed that way when I was riding.

I can't be disappointed with my time or speed on this ride. As I said in my first post, it's been a really long time since I've done much. I have been active over the past week, but those rides were between 3 and 4 miles. My left knee started hurting about halfway through, so I was kind of babying it the last half, so overall I feel I did well.

I did have an experience with a moron of a driver on 96th Street near Hodge Park. For those of you not familiar with that area. 96th is a nice 4-lane divided road through there. Despite the fact that he had another lane to my left, this idiot in a black Ford F150 decided to pass me without fully changing lanes and proceeded to honk at me as he passed, as if I was some kind of idiot for biking. What actually happened is that there was a minivan in the left-hand lane and this intelligence-starved gent decided he didn't want to slow down and get over behind them. Clearly the only thing left for him to do in that situation - instead of being an actual decent human being and slowing down - was to try to run me off the road and then act as if the situation is my fault because I'm obviously some kind of stupid for getting in his way.


Beyond that, though, really good ride. Not quite as fast as I would have liked, but I'm just getting back into this whole "getting-in-shape" thing after a month and a half break, so I'm not upset it wasn't as fast as I would prefer.

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