Thursday, October 9, 2014

Nishiki Maricopa

For my biking I ride a Nishiki Maricopa. It is an entry-level road bike sold at Dick's Sporting Goods. For a road bike it's a steal for the price Dick's is asking. It costs about half of what an entry-level road bike would cost at a biking store, so if you're looking for a cheap road bike and don't mind buying from the big box store it's a great deal. I would advise you to take it to a bike store and get it tuned after buying it, though. I noticed a huge improvement in the way mine road after I got it tuned.

I'm very pleased with the bike. It rides well and the shifts are generally smooth. There is a bit of chattering on some gears and sometimes the shifts are a bit rough, but overall it's a pleasant ride. 

I'm also a fan of the way the bike looks. It's black and orange, both colors I am fond of. The orange isn't overwhelming and looks nice against the black frame. 

Overall it's a very good entry level bike. I'm planning on using it for the next year and a half or so. I might look into upgrading to a mid-level road bike from one of the bike stores a few months before my first half-Ironman in the summer of 2016, but until then this one will work just fine.

My workouts and blog posts will likely be sporadic for the next few weeks. The Royals have finally made the postseason for the first time in 29 years (and only the second time in my lifetime) and I want to watch every game. Unfortunately we don't get the channel they're on at our house so I can't record the game and watch it later; we have to go out somewhere to watch them play, and the postseason schedule (and my own laziness) have recently put a huge damper on my workouts. 


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