After work today I went directly to the pool and did my swimming workout. I got 900 yards done in 19:57. I broke my workout up into four sets of 200 yards on a 4:30 interval, followed by one 100 yard set to finish up to 20 minutes. The swim went fairly well; I was happy to be swimming 200s again (the 200 yard free was one of my main races in high school), and was glad to see I could probably drop the interval down to 4:15 the next time I do these.
As soon as I was done swimming, I came home and ran for 25 minutes on the treadmill, covering 2.20 miles. I decided on the treadmill instead of an outside run not because of the temperature (because I can bundle up enough to make that a non-issue) but because of the condition of the sidewalks in our area. On the way into the community center to swim, I slipped once or twice on patches of black ice in the parking lot and was unwilling to risk that happening while I was running, so I opted for the treadmill tonight.
The treadmill run went great. 25 minutes is the longest I have ever run at one time in my entire life. During the first five minutes I was very much wanting to stop and walk, but I kept telling myself "At least get to a mile". Once I got to the mile I had less than 15 minutes left, so I convinced myself to just keep on trucking and I'm glad I did. Tonight proved to me that I am getting better at this stuff, and that I am getting back into shape.
I doubt I'll ever be as in-shape as I was in high school, but I can get fairly close. Tonight was the first really big sign of progress for me. I've seen other small signs along the way. like not falling over on my bike all the time, or managing to actually work out consistently instead of for just a few days, but tonight really showed me I can actually do this.
Today was a good day.
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